Around Town

Below are some typical examples of light pollution around town.  (See more examples of both good and bad lighting.)

stop05223.JPG (23283 bytes) The glare from unshielded field lights overwhelms the two foreground road signs--"Stop" and "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop."  One of the most important reasons to eliminate glare is to improve motorist and pedestrian safety.
04815.JPG (39838 bytes) Bright light from a parking lot extends well beyond the fenced border into adjoining property.  The light spilling over is also called light trespass.
DSC07672.JPG (22727 bytes) All of the gains made with attractive shielded lights on the front facade of this shopping center are negated by the glare from wall pack lights facing the side street.
poweron04338.jpg (41794 bytes) poweroff3992.jpg (33339 bytes)  Left: Light pollution from across the region besmirches the night sky.

Right: Even during a midnight power outage with overcast skies and a new moon-- when the sky should be black-- light pollution from neighboring cities prevails.

fire04441.jpg (29192 bytes) irony04440.jpg (14803 bytes)   Left: The local fire department has wall pack lights that pour glare outward into adjacent homes and into the eyes of drivers along the roadway.

Right: Ironically, the only light not illuminated is the fully shielded light near the road, seen in the upper left corner of the picture.

fence04435.jpg (28418 bytes) flagpole04438.jpg (29279 bytes) Left: A residence is up-lighted on all sides, including along the wooden fence.

Right: The flagpole and surrounding trees hint at the amount of light lost upward into the sky, and there is not even a flag on the pole.

DSC07894.JPG (31112 bytes) Flashy, blinking signage obstructs the view at an intersection, distracts the attention of drivers, causes glare, and detracts from the community appearance.

(See more examples of lighting, good and poor, around town.)

The loss of our night sky in less than a century and a half is strikingly evident from these illustrations of the stars and the Milky Way over London and over Paris.  More at  

The Midnight Sky, London, 1869
, Edwin Dunkin. 

Le Ciel, Paris 1866, Amédée Guillemin.

Copyright ©2009 Chuck Bueter.  All rights reserved.