Nightscapes Around Town
Some lighting is good...
Some lighting is not so good...

Globe lights waste nearly half of their energy to the
sky. Taxpayers could cut their energy bill significantly with more
attractive, efficient lights.
A string of "acorn lights" waste energy skyward and shine
directly into the eyes of drivers.
High light levels--well beyond the brightness needed for a
parking lot--overwhelm the eyes at a road intersection. Note how the
lighting hazard is compounded by the reality of a gentle rain falling on
the windshield. |

Excessively bright lights on high lamp posts spill light
well beyond the property boundary. |
The hazard of poor lights become even greater when motorists
need the illumination most, such as during poor weather
conditions. |
Floodlights aimed outward from a house shine
indiscriminately into adjacent properties. See also before-after.htm. |

Globe lights waste energy--and tax dollars--by throwing much
of their output to the sky. The glare from the unshielded lights
creates such great contrast for the observer's eye that the pedestrians
and roadway remain dark while the globes are bright. |
Glare from an angled light creates such a bright veil of
light across the field of view that the intended target--the parking lot--remains dark and unsafe, in
spite of the bright light. |
Left: Lights at a gas station extend below the canopy and
into the eyes of drivers approaching the intersection. Note the
obscured traffic signals near the line of sight.
Right: A nearby gas station ramps up the brightness level well beyond
the needs of customers. Because all of the bright lights are
unshielded below the canopy, this exposure truly suggests the overlighting
by one business.

Vanity lighting creates a stark-looking facade at the
expense of the night sky. A softer architectural effect could have
been achieved with lower lighting aimed more judiciously, especially
downward. |
The positive gains from the shielded box light are countered
by the tilted lights that aim outward into drivers'
eyes. |
A well-intentioned bat house on a pole at a county park is
awash in light under these multiple fixtures. |
Left: A bank of wall pack lights shines outward into the
eyes of drivers while creating an unsightly approach.
Right: Ironically, the other facades of the shopping center are
tastefully illuminated with lights that cut off the direct glare.
Towering unshielded lights are at the eye level of motorists
on the adjacent elevated roadway. |
Parking lot lights encircling a funeral home are tilted
upward, aiming into the eyes of nearby drivers and spilling well beyond
the landscape buffering at the property line. |
Flashy blinking signage obstructs the view at an
intersection, distracts the attention of drivers, causes disabling glare,
and detracts from the community appearance. |
Angled lights aim into the eyes of drivers near an ice cream
stand. |
Left: Floodlights shine skyward beyond the upper portion of
a church.
Right: When the upper lights are turned off, the stained glass
windows are visible, energy is saved, and the night sky is preserved. |
A hotel on the edge of a corn field is awash in vanity lights
aimed upward against its facade. |
Lights aimed outward impair the visibility of
motorists. |
A few businesses compete for the distinction of having the
most obnoxious outdoor lighting. Unshielded, angled lights that are
the biggest culprits detract from the appearance of the community. |
Round globes aim much light upward, while the downward light
casts shadows and is impeded from reaching the ground by the triangular
frame. |
Yikes! |
(See more examples from Around Town)
Left: The glow of distant lights during a full moon
with no field lights.
Left: During the off-season when the field is under snow,
the glare of two lights remain.
Right: The lights from one ball field spill over with significant
glare. Note that you can still see the two unshielded year-round
lights. |
Top: Opposite the ball fields with no lights on, the
surrounding area is relatively dark, even during a full moon with snow on
the ground.
Bottom: The spillover from only one ball field's lights
illuminates the surrounding area well beyond the level of a full moon..
As seen from above,
wasted light is directed upward toward the plane. Admittedly, some
light is reflected off the snow, but the greater culprit is direct light
(seen as glare) directed skyward. |
Urban Wildlands Conference features abstracts and papers that address the
impact of outdoor lighting on the natural habitat.

Advocates of a proposed World Trade Center memorial entitled Freedom Tower
suggest their massive outpouring of light is "a pioneer in environmental
quality" and "a world-class model of energy efficiency and
environmental sustainability." For the press release from Governor
George E. Pataki, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, World Trade Center developer Larry
A. Silverstein and architect David Childs, see http://renewnyc.com/displaynews.aspx?newsid=bd4d88dd-5d0b-446f-b945-00b785aba5cb.
Management touts its conversion of trash into energy. Unfortunately, it
promotes bright lights as a positive outcome.
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