Year(s) of Dark Skies
Workshop Details
Celebrate the 2009 International Year of Astronomy
(2009IYA) with planetarium
modules, demos, resources, activities, and ideas that advocate the "Dark
Skies" theme.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at the Triple Conjunction
Conference in Wheeling, WV.
The 2009 International
Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) will showcase the excitement of both the
historical and the modern aspects of astronomy. However, the prevalence of light
pollution challenges the future of human interaction with the night sky.
Being a community that observes and quantifies sky conditions, astronomers and
have been bell-ringers in the campaign to advocate responsible outdoor
lighting. With the rest of the world gradually awakening to the issues,
planetarium leaders are well-positioned to guide the public into informed
action. The Year(s) of Dark Skies workshop will offer you
tools to inspire young and old audiences alike to challenge the quiet threat to
our world's nighttime heritage.
One of the six
U.S. themes supporting the IYA2009 goal is "Dark Skies are a Universal
Resource." A working group coordinated by the National Observational
Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) is planning observing opportunities, podcasts, a
planetarium program, a Wave of Darkness, star counts, educational resources, and
other events related to dark skies. The Year(s) of Dark Skies
workshop will begin with a brief introduction to the proposed U.S. plans and
will solicit feedback from participants. The workshop will then feature
demonstrations and hands-on activities in small and portable planetariums that
are correlated to a proposed planetarium program. Planetarians will
also simulate in-dome the Globe at Night
international star count and get tips on how to apply for free Sky
Quality Meters (SQMs) for your community of observers.
The world press will soon be highlighting many aspects of
astronomy, including the modern scourge of poor outdoor lighting. Many
people, especially youths and urban residents, are not even aware of the starry
grandeur they are missing. Fortunately, a groundswell of dark sky
advocacy is rising. I invite you to energize your small dome by enabling
your visitors to prioritize their night sky and outdoor lighting
decisions. Year(s) of Dark Skies is (are) coming
If you would like to contact me in advance, please feel free to
do so. I truly welcome your input and suggestions. Workshop is
open to registrants of the Triple
Conjunction Conference at the Oglebay
Resort in Wheeling, WV. The 45-minute workshop is tentatively scheduled
for the afternoon of Wednesday, October 10, 2007, and space is limited to 20
people-- first come, first served. The requested fee for supplies is
$10.00, but it will be waived if it presents any hardship or impediment to your
participating in the workshop.
Stay in the dark,
Chuck Bueter
Year(s) of Dark Skies Workshop Presenter