(Example: "On the sidewalk at the northwest corner of
the intersection of Main St. and Smith Ave., about 15 feet north of the
street sign.
Nearest street light is four houses away.")
Moon altitude (in degrees):
(Estimate of angular height above the horizon. One fist at
arm's length is about 10 degrees. Stack your outreached fists from
the ground up to the moon. The horizon is zero degrees; overhead is
ninety degrees.)
Snow on ground (none, scattered, total coverage):
Clear Sky Clock notes:
(See http://cleardarksky.com/c/PnnHrMPINkey.html.
In the Image Control box to the left of the Clear Sky Clock, check the
small box to "explain
color and details when you mouse-over." Move the
cursor over the Time of Block when you take your SQM